Craig Paulus

Lawyer, Writer, Husband, Dad

Lover of fun. Lover of snow.


Do I really practice law?

Yes, but I like to say that I am retired from courtroom work. I am now what is called a “closing attorney” in my part of the country. Real estate closings let me be part lawyer, part insurance agent, and part hostage negotiator all at once. I live in a wonderful, growing city, so it also lets me meet lots of new people.


Why do I write?

Sometimes, I write for fun; other times because I don’t know what else to do with an idea. As a result, I might write anything.


What do I teach?

I teach on real estate-related and title insurance topics, as well as children’s books and poetry.  I am certified by the Alabama Real Estate Commission as a continuing education instructor, teaching on fraud and cybercrime in the real estate closing process.


What’s up with the Lights?

One side of my family is Norwegian, so winter and the far north has always held a special place in my heart. I’ve been to the Arctic Circle in summer. Even then, I found the north magical. The sun never went down!


What’s my favorite book?

Of what I’ve written, well, that “book” is scarcely a book, and it’s very scarce too (it is only circulated privately). Outside of that, I love a lot of books. I re-read certain books every year. The Fifty Year Sword at Halloween; The Lord of the Rings at Christmas; Hemingway on summer vacation.


And the bears?

The bears are part of a story I used to tell my kids when they were small. That the polar bears hear music when they see the northern lights is perfectly natural and it’s obvious to me that they would dance. Of course, Santa makes this happen so they will come watch his house.


Do I do school visits?

Yes, the “Bears” debuted at a school!

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